Maria Alexandra T. Gago da Câmara

Universidade Aberta | Centro de História da Arte e Investigação Artística (CHAIA), Universidade de Évora

Art historian with a PhD in Modern Art History from the Open University, where she is an assistant lecturer and the vice-coordinator of the Master’s programme on Heritage Studies, at the Department of Social Sciences and Management.

She is an integrated researcher at the Centre for Art History and Artistic Research (CHAIA) of the University of Évora and a collaborator at the Centre for Art Research and Technology – CITAR (School of Arts, Catholic University of Portugal), in the domain of Decorative Arts, and at ARTIS – the Art History Institute of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, where she is part of Az – Azulejo Research Network.

Her research focuses mainly on the 17th and 18th centuries and on applied decorative arts and architecture from the Baroque period, with an emphasis on azulejos and digital humanities. She has published various works on these topics and spoken at several conferences and colloquia in Portugal and abroad.

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