January 2017
AzFlash aimed to present a specific tile work over lunch. The first and only edition took place in January 2017 and focused on the tile heritage of the University of Lisbon [University Campus].
[Wednesdays | 13h30-14h00]
4 January 2017
Reitoria, revestimento exterior de Fred Kradolfer
Ana Pascoal e Rosário Salema de Carvalho
11 January 2017
Reitoria, átrio, painel Glorificação do trabalho intelectual, de Querubim Lapa
Inês Leitão
18 January 2017
Reitoria, galeria superior, painéis de Hein Semke
Patrícia Nóbrega
25 January 2017
Faculdade de Letras, átrio, painel Elogio do conhecimento, de Jorge Barradas
Ana Almeida