Centro Atlântico
The collaboration with the publishing house Centro Atlântico dates back to 2015, when Az – Azulejo Research Network was called upon to catalogue a set of tile patterns in Braga, leading to the publication of a series of texts in the book I Love Braga, by Libório Manuel Silva. In the same year, other editorial projects started taking shape, and would eventually be realized in the following years, involving numerous Az researchers: Azulejo em/in Braga – O Largo Tempo do Barroco / The Baroque Period (2016); Azulejos. Maravilhas de Portugal / Wonders of Portugal (2017) (both distinguished with SOS Azulejo awards); Azulejos à Mesa / in Restaurants (2017); ou What is AZULEJO o que é (2018).
Centro Atlântico is currently one of AzLab’s official sponsors.