Surrounding the Azulejos | Portuguese Baroque Tile Borders (1675-1750)

    Starting date: September 2014
    Ending date: ongoing

    Postdoctoral project devoted to the study of tile frames from the Baroque period, financed by the FCT (SFRH/BPD/84867/2012) from September 2014 to April 2019 and coordinated by Rosário Salema de Carvalho, hired by ARTIS-IHA/FLUL under DL-57.

    Frames play a decisive role in integrating ceramic coverings in the architecture, that is, in the spaces for which they were created. They allow for highly original decorative solutions, which have contributed to making the azulejo one of Portugal’s most distinctive art forms. The role of frames as autonomous elements with room for innovation has been highlighted in recent studies, countering the relative dearth of research on this subject. However, a systematic research effort is needed to validate many of the ideas that have been suggested. 

    The present project is centred on the study of frames from the Baroque period stored in museums or still found in situ. It proposes an approach based on an interdisciplinary methodology combining cataloguing and inventory practices with documental and graphic surveys and new data visualization methods, capable of adding new and more consistent perspectives to the topic of frames and Portuguese tile decorations in general. 


    SCIENTIFIC OUTPUT [selected]  

    Journal articles [indexed]
    CARVALHO, Rosário Salema de – The iconographic role of azulejo frames. Word & Image. 36 2 (2020): 135–165. Available at

    Conference proceedings
    CARVALHO, Rosário Salema de – The frames of Portuguese Baroque Azulejos. In CORDON, Nicolas; DEGANS, Édouard; DOULKARIDOU-RAMANTANI, Elli; HEERING, Caroline – Jeux et enjeux du cadre dans les systèmes décoratifs de la première modernité. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. p. 59–72.

    _____ – Cataloguing Baroque azulejo frames. A project in progress. AzLab#14 Azulejos and Frames. Proceedings (special issue of ARTisON). 2 (2016): 33–41. Available at

    MACHADO, Ana Raquel; CARVALHO, Rosário Salema de – Frame simulations in 18th century azulejos. AzLab#14 Azulejos and Frames. Proceedings (special issue of ARTisON). 2 (2016): 42-53. Available at

    CARVALHO, Rosário Salema de, Alexandre Pais; FORMIGA, Porfiria – Azulejos e emolduramentos: um puzzle com solução à vista = Azulejos and frames: a puzzle with a solution in sight. In SEMEDO, Alice; SENRA, Sandra; AZEVEDO, Teresa – Processos de Musealização. Um Seminário de Investigação Internacional. Atas do Seminário = Musealisation Processes. An International Research Seminar Conference Proceedings [em linha]. Porto: Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Letras, Departamento de Ciências e Técnicas do Património, 2015. p. 184–201. Available at

    CARVALHO, Rosário Salema de – As guarnições como elementos estruturadores da narrativa azulejar. In Ciclos de Iconografia Cristã na Azulejaria. Actas do I Colóquio Sacrae Imagines. Lisboa: Secretariado Nacional para os Bens Culturais da Igreja, 2013. p. 45–61.

    _____ – Baroque azulejo’s frames. In Framings. Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2015. p. 193–210.

    Oral presentations
    CARVALHO, Rosário Salema de; AGUIAR, Inês – Azulejos & Molduras. Workshop presented at Semana da Ciência e a Tecnologia 2015, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, 27 November 2015. 

    CARVALHO, Rosário Salema de – As guarnições como elementos estruturadores da narrativa azulejar. Presentation [with scientific refereeing] at Ciclos de Iconografia Cristã na Azulejaria. I Colóquio Sacrae Imagines, Universidade de Évora, 24 October 2013.

    _____ – Baroque Azulejo’s Frames. Presentation [with scientific refereeing] at Framings - Interdisciplinary Conference on Frames, University of Copenhagen, 30 November 2013.

    _____ – Cataloguing Baroque Azulejo Frames. A Project in Progress. Presentation [by invitation, as keynote speaker] at​​​​​​​ AzLab#14 Azulejos and Frames, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 21 May 2015.